
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Parhaland Temple in Fort Kohna Multan

Parhaland Souram Mandir or Temple also spelled as Prahland or Prahalandpuri or Prahlad or Perhaland temple in fort Kohna Multan does not exists any more. Ruins are still found near Tomb Bahaudin Zikarya when visit Fort Kohna of Multan.
The things associated with Multan due to this temple is

Parhaland Puri Temple in Multan Fort a Rare Photograph

  • Festival of Holi started in Multan as the festival of Holi involves King Hiranyakashyapu his sister Holika and King Son Prahlad
  • Multani Mitti or dirt of Multan was popular due to cure of skin diseases
  • Multani Mitti or Dirt of Multan is used as face mask now a days
  • Multan was "City of Cure" during 2500BC
  •  Multan was called City of Gold due to idols in this temple
  • In side the temple, there was an idol of Lord Vishnu in the incarnated form of Narasinha (A half human and half lion form)
  • A grand fete was celebrated, of Narsinha, here in every month of “Jyeshtha”. On that occasion, many fairs and pilgrimages were held 
  • Multan was earlier known as Kashyappur then. This name was subsequently changed to Pralhadpur, after Pralhad occupied the throne after his father was killed by Lord. 
Ruins of Parhaland Mandir or Temple in fort Kohna Multan
Location Map
It is inside the Fort Kohna Multan

Story of Holi
Prahlad father was angry on him and order him to sit on fire with his ant Holika who was believed to be immune to the fire. When the fire started people watched in amazement as Holika was burnt to death and Prahlad survived . The burning of Holika is celebrated as Holi and the place where she was burnt becomes Prahld Temple of Multan where Sun Temple was next to it

Ruins of Perhaland Mandir Multan along with wall of Tomb Bahaudin Zikarya

In the year 1848 A.D., the East India company’s English forces attacked the Multan Fort. Due to the explosives used in and from the artillery, the structure of the temple was badly damaged and the very existence of this ancient structure went into Jeopardy. In the year 1853 A.D. the Temple was conventionally put into non-use and was put out of vogue.

Ruins of Parhaland Temple in Fort Kohna Multan

Ruins of Parhaland Temple in Fort Kohna Multan

Ruins of Prahland Temple in Fort Kohna Multan

Ruins of Prahlnd Temple in Fort Kohna Multan

Ruins of Perhaland Temple in Fort Kohna Multan

Ruins of Parhaland Temple in Fort Kohna Multan